Saturday, August 18, 2012

Walker Lake Water Fowl

A Day of Birding at Walker Lake 

Walker Lake is a natural lake lying within the Great Basin Desert that is also on the Pacific Flyway, the north-south travel route for American migratory birds. Fed by the Walker River which has been diverted for agricultural use, the water level of Walker Lake has dropped over 126 feet (38.40 m) from its 1882 elevation of 4083 feet (1244.5 m).  As the lake recedes, salinity increases and has reached a critical level  where the water can no longer support the native, Lahontan Cutthroat Trout.  A smaller fish, the Tui Chub which is a major food source for the Cutthroat Trout and numerous water fowl has also become endangered.

As salty as the lake has become, it still attracts large numbers of birds to its cool, clear waters.  

Large white American Pelicans fly back and forth between Walker and Pyramid Lake on a daily basis in the warm months.  The American Pelican does not dive for food, but catches it while swimming.

Phalaropes or wadepipers are halophilic (salt-loving) shorebirds.  Feeding on small insects or crustaceans, they breed in western North American and migrate to South American.

California Gulls are the state bird of Utah and noted for assisting the Mormon settlers in the plague of Mormon crickets.  They forage in flight on insects and also feed on fish while swimming.

One of the unique characteristics of Walker Lake is the Orb-weaver Spiders that thrive in the hot summer months of July and August.  The spiders set up communal webs that cover the rocks and boulders.  Their favorite food source is the damselfly which can be seen covering part of the webs.  Keeping nature in check, the spiders help feed the shore birds and also the lizards that live around the rocky banks.


What an exciting and interesting photo-adventure this day has been.  I love it when I am drawn to an area and not knowing what to expect I get treated to new experiences. 

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 "Reflecting Nature's Artistry" 

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