First Signs of Spring with the Vernal Equinox
Winters in the Great Basin Desert can be very drab with only the deep blue sky to brighten up the landscape. As the Northern Hemisphere begins to tilt toward the sun bringing longer days, the desert begins its transition and slowly awakens with the first signs of spring.
A bee gathers pollen from one of the rosemary
flowers. Rosemary is the first plant to have blooms and is always buzzing with
bees or butterflies.
One of the few remaining robins lands on the fence, a winter
visitor to brighten the dull landscape, they will move further north as the
temperature warms.
Filaree storksbill comes alive as the days first begin to warm.
The tiny
lavender flowers provide nectar for the brown argus butterfly where an egg for
each larva is laid on the underside of a leaf.
The yellow blooms of wild mustard begin to accent the ground, often considered a weed; the entire plant is edible from the root to the flowers. The young leaves make a nice addition to salads, while the seed pods add a peppery accent.
Daffodils or Narcissus, a true sign of spring, have slowly poked up and are just about ready to open.
Symbolizing rebirth and
new beginnings, the yellow fragile flowers are one of my favorites, reminding me
of my grandmother's yard.
Sharp leaves of bluish green spring up, the
tulip is coming out from its cool dormancy. Soon a brilliant red flower will
In just a few days, the Earth's axis will tilt to 23.4 °, bringing equal hours of day and night. The Vernal Equinox comes to the Great Basin at 3:45 PM PDT on March 20th. As with ancient cultures, the Vernal Equinox to the High Desert of Nevada is also a symbol of returning food supplies and renewal of new beginnings from the drabness of winter.
Follow me on my future blog posts as I explore more of the new beginnings as spring slowly turns to summer.
an exciting and interesting photo-adventure this day has been. I love
it when I am drawn to an area and not knowing what to expect I get
treated to new experiences.
Sign up and follow my blog to see where my next photo-adventure will be!
Photography places me in the moment where I can share that moment in time. It becomes a life story as represented by my interaction with the scene. The happiness and beauty or the sorrow and strife; how I focus leaves a lasting impression that might touch the viewer on a spiritual level.
"Reflecting Nature's Artistry"
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